Monday, July 23, 2012

Learn something new everyday!

Being an aspiring photographer and not having really any schooling in photography other than a high school class, you learn to turn to the internet a lot. I would say Pinterest has truly been my best friend lately. I have been able to find so much information and find photographers that have the type of photography i am learning to do. I have discovered that i like natural light photography best. I think the coloring in the pictures are just so elegant and perfect. It's also one less prop you don't have to worry about.

Speaking of props...I have been looking at ideas of new props to use and how to use them. I see that a lot of photographers have very similar styles in the type of props they use. I'm hoping i can figure out my style better and make my props fit in.

The biggest challenge yet for me is photoshop. I don't fully know how to use every tool that i have on my program. But i am slowly learning thanks to youtube :). There are so many things that you can alter and do to make a picture look a certain way. I think i get over whelmed knowing that i could do so much. So i have to really break it down for myself and focus on the best qualities of the picture and bringing those features out. More research will be happening on a day to day basis. You can never learn to much!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Just growing way to fast

It amazes me how many changes babies go through on a daily/weekly basis. Capturing my little ones pictures is a blessing. You just can't remember every little moment.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Daddy's Love

My wonderful husband taking care of our beautiful little girl after a long day at the beach!

Welcome to the world LIllian

Sorry i haven't been on in awhile. About 6 weeks ago i had my beautiful baby girl. Things have been super crazy with being a new mom and spending time with family. Lillian has been such a joy to our lives. 
I'm super excited i have a daily model to take pictures of :)
Hope you enjoy!